About me

I am MG Uberti: the man behind every thought and every piece of advice on my websites. I do everything myself: all that you read is written by a real, genuine, and authentic person. There is nothing created automatically by Artificial Intelligence.

I am an engineer, an experienced traveler, and passionate about art, history, society, and religion: I am a man, and nothing human is alien to me. As a young man, I aspired to become a successful person. Now, as a man, I want to be a person of value. I always strive to reflect this principle on my websites: in a world where more and more content is automatically created just for profit, I offer only authentic advice based on my real-life experience. I only recommend what I would do myself, and more and more, I want to focus on topics of social importance, even without financial return.

I don’t like talking about myself, but I believe those who read what I write have the right to know who is behind these words. Trust is born from knowledge, and for this reason, I’ll tell you a bit more about myself:

See also the detailed pages referenced in the various sections.


My Personal and Professional Journey

I was born and raised in Rome, where I obtained my degree in engineering management. After a quick and successful career in a large Italian aerospace and defense group, I realized that life is much more than a corporate career and that meritocracy in Italy has serious limits. I made a bold decision: I quit my job, leaving behind a prestigious position (my friends said I was crazy and would regret it), and I took a sabbatical year in Australia. It was an experience that gave me time and space to reflect on what I really wanted to do with my life.

After returning to Italy, I rejoined the same company, but I felt that my path lay elsewhere. The opportunity for a radical change came when I met my future wife, a German girl, for whose love I left Rome and moved to a small village in Bavaria, where I started a new professional adventure from scratch.

Among the various roles I had held in the company, that of travel manager had reawakened my passion for travel, an interest I had nurtured since I was young. Based on this experience and my personal inclination, I decided to develop a project related to travel as a means of discovering the world: in 2011, I launched my first website, uberti.eu, where I not only offered detailed and unique guides (I remain an engineer, so I write differently from many other travel bloggers), but I also provided personalized consulting services for organizing tailor-made trips. Few did this at the time. It went very well until the mismanagement of the pandemic in 2020, which destroyed the professional lives of many, both online and in real-world businesses.

However, I was able to turn that tragic moment into an opportunity to reorganize my professional life once again, taking the change as a chance to do something more significant and meaningful in the second half of my life, more in line with my personal inclinations. I began developing new websites on different topics that reflect my passions and skills, ranging from travel advice to conscious purchasing of goods and services online, to more complex subjects like Artificial Intelligence, history, and the future of human society. It will take a long time to complete this ambitious project, but I am determined. I earn less than before, but I am more satisfied because I am doing more meaningful work.

This is the short version: see my professional experience for more details.


My Websites

As mentioned in the previous section, uberti.eu is the first website I launched: it is a travel blog where I provide practical advice on how to organize trips and vacations independently, booking everything yourself through the internet. There are many travel blogs, but this first site of mine brought me great satisfaction: before the pandemic, it had reached one million visits a year, and the many compliments I received over time from my readers encouraged me to keep going.

It is an old site with a very basic design, but it continues to work well because the content is still relevant:

The most important travel guides are those for discovering the United States, particularly my guide to New York City and my advice on how to organize a trip to the USA, along with the guide to exploring London. There are also hundreds of pages with various useful tips for traveling worldwide.

In the near future, I plan to modernize it to make it even faster and more accessible on mobile and, above all, to translate it into multiple languages.

Between 2020 and 2023, I launched two more travel blogs: travelwonderer.it and esperienzaviaggio.it, which build on the content of my new site in a more modern form. They were two technical trials for the future evolution of the new travel blog.

Then, in November 2020, I published my first non-travel-related website: on sagaceacquisto.it, I offer practical purchasing advice.

I use my professional experience in procurement to provide helpful tips on how to buy goods and services online effectively. These tips are crucial in these times of crisis when prices are constantly rising, and the purchasing power of our salaries is drastically diminishing.

The future development of this site will be buywisebuybetter.com, where I will translate my purchasing advice into multiple languages. The domain name reflects part of my philosophy: in a world dominated by consumerism, where all influencers push you to buy, buy, buy, I try to send a different message: advising you to buy well, at the right price, only what is necessary, because buying things does not bring happiness.

Besides these sites, I am developing many others: see the page on my websites to learn more about them.


My Promises

To those who visit my websites, I promise to always provide honest advice.
These are my promises:

  • I do not recommend anything that I wouldn’t do or buy myself.
  • I do not accept sponsorships from products or services that I do not deem valid.
  • I write everything myself: NOTHING is automatically created by Artificial Intelligence.

This last point is very important and deserves further explanation:


How I Use Artificial Intelligence

I believe it is inevitable that in the near future, the internet will be flooded with content written by Artificial Intelligence, which in my opinion will severely compromise the quality of the content offered to us as readers. Artificial Intelligence has no emotions, no morals, it cannot see, perceive, or understand the real world. It should be obvious that a human reader would prefer genuine content written sincerely by a real human writer, with all their human strengths and weaknesses.

If, for example, you want to go on vacation to a foreign country, would you prefer to rely on perfectly optimized, machine-written content for search engines, or rely on the advice of a real person who has actually been there? I have traveled, seen, felt emotions, marveled at the wonders of nature and the beauties created by humans over centuries, got frustrated with bad services, regretted bad choices… all of this can never be done by a machine. But a machine can easily write about it, crafting millions of past genuine writings and wrapping them nicely to sell you something. And commercial purposes are almost the least of our worries: in the near future, we must be concerned about how the massive use of Artificial Intelligence will allow manipulation and control of public opinion in a way that today we can hardly imagine. One should certainly not believe that those who spent hundreds of billions to create these AI systems did so for altruistic purposes.

I am an engineer who has always been passionate about technology and innovation, and obviously, on the one hand, I am enthusiastic about these incredible innovations. But precisely because I have used these AI tools from the beginning and have been impressed by the frightening speed of growth of artificial capacities and skills (believe me, it’s truly scary), I have decided to start publishing online articles that underline the grave danger that Artificial Intelligence will pose to human society if mismanaged. Considering the type of leaders we have in this historical period, I would say we need to seriously worry.

Returning to how I use AI on my websites: I intensely use Artificial Intelligence, but ONLY as a productivity aid. So, I use various AI tools every day for research, to create images, to test my ideas, to be more creative. In short, I use AI in many different ways BUT NEVER to write anything in my place. Never. If I did, I would become useless. When you see MG Uberti as the author on my websites, you can be sure that I was the one who wrote the article, with all the strengths and weaknesses of a human person. Profoundly human strengths and weaknesses. In publishing my websites, Artificial Intelligence is always and only used as a tool, always under my control.

For example, an exceptional opportunity given by Artificial Intelligence is the ability to translate your websites into multiple languages, something that was not possible until recently. I was not at all satisfied with the translations produced by Google Translator and similar tools, whereas now, Large Language Models (the chatbots we commonly call “Artificial Intelligence”) translate extremely well, even adapting the content to different cultures. It also helps me understand and discover the culture and worldview of countries I know only in a limited way. This is an extraordinary opportunity that I certainly want to seize: I have wanted to translate what I write into multiple languages for a long time, but before it was too difficult, if not impossible. I create the text, AI translates: it’s a tool.

Then, as mentioned, I also use AI tools for research tasks, creating small scripts and HTML code, creating images, and a myriad of secondary tasks that essentially do one thing: save me time. Time that I can dedicate to the truly important things: I write, I provide the content, the experience, what truly matters, and the machine performs secondary tasks that I would not even know how to do or would spend too much time on. I am the brain, Artificial Intelligence is the robot (the word “robot” comes from the Czech “robota” which means “hard labor”) that performs secondary IT tasks.

Using these tools daily has led me to seriously reflect on the dangers of uncontrolled AI development (and the inevitable upcoming AGI), and I have decided to publish my thoughts and reflections in a series of websites dedicated to Artificial Intelligence.


My Projects

When I left Rome to move to a small village at the foot of the Bavarian mountains, I lost access to the great beauty of the capital but gained the opportunity to reflect in silence, contemplating the majesty of the mountains. I reflected for a good decade. The chaos and routine of Roman life did not allow for such reflections. I asked myself what I wanted to do with my life, whether I really wanted to give up my career as an engineer in the aerospace industry to become a blogger. I decided that it is better to have more time for oneself, more time to study important topics not covered by my education, more time to reflect on the important things in life, and more time to then publish my reflections online if this allows for achieving something more meaningful. Even if this means earning less than before.

I learned to build websites, I learned how to spread my thoughts. And I began to formulate a project that has gradually materialized over the years: starting from a simple travel blog to publishing a series of different websites, apparently disconnected, but that will eventually come together like pieces of a mosaic to form a coherent vision with its meaning. It will take years, many years, but I am tenacious and determined.


My Social and Political Opinion

At the end of 2022, inspired by the success of my “I Believe in Italy” initiative, I considered launching a YouTube channel and a website dedicated to analyzing the current situation in Italy and abroad. However, I soon realized that others were already doing this better than I ever could. Among many, I particularly recommend following the YouTube channel Pubble: Paola is an insightful content creator from Rome who often expresses exactly what I think, but does so in a much more compelling way. Watching her videos made me understand that she is already communicating those ideas far better than I could, so it is best for me to focus on other projects.

Among the many videos published by Paola, I recommend this video in particular: published on October 2, 2024, it captures perfectly my thoughts on the European public’s reaction to the escalation of hostilities between Israel and Middle Eastern states. The concepts she expresses apply to many other ills of our contemporary society, which is why I highlight this video. Our insensitivity to the worsening conflicts in the Middle East is a clear indication of how our society is becoming disturbingly inhumane: we no longer feel anything in the face of others’ tragedies, the heartbreaking deaths of innocent civilians. Wars no longer frighten us; instead, they excite politics, the media, and public opinion. We no longer speak of stopping wars but of funding them and using deterrence, thereby fueling an escalation of inhumanity. Paola has expressed exactly what I feel, and she did it better than I could.

In my view, it is very important to discuss these issues, but as I mentioned, others are already doing it better than I can. And above all: my possibilities and resources are limited. I am alone, and publishing on all these diverse topics, in addition to my social commitments in real life, is already a challenge beyond my current capabilities.

I am therefore dedicating myself to other, nonetheless important, social causes. In some areas, I work silently behind the scenes, while in others, I will publish my contributions online.


From Travel Blog to Human Travel

The travel guides that I started with will gradually evolve from simple advice on how to best organize your holidays to a series of travel guides exploring the wonders of this planet, leading to subsequent reflections on these wonders, both human and natural, and ultimately to reflections on fundamental questions (religion and symbolism, carved for centuries in the stone of cathedrals). Then, reflections on the impact that Artificial Intelligence will inevitably have on our lives. All of this will culminate in the two final and most important websites: humantravelguide.com, which will evolve from human travel advice to a guide on the journey of humanity (the three keywords in the domain can be read in different ways), and humanprospective.com, with final reflections on the future of humanity based on the past and present history of human society. The key word to oppose AI is one: “human”. I firmly believe that this is one of our key words for the future.

As you can see, I have many projects.
I invite you to follow me:


Social and Contacts

I have a complicated relationship with social media: on the one hand, I like the idea of staying in touch with my readers and listening to their thoughts, on the other hand, I am very reserved and believe that excessive use of social media does more harm than good. I have had ups and downs with various social networks, I explored and tried them right at the beginning (almost 20 years ago now), then abandoned them, and now I am trying to use them better to understand and know better those who follow my work.

The advent of Artificial Intelligence has given me a new reason to use them with more conviction: in a world that will be increasingly dominated by artificial content, it is important to stay connected with human beings. In other words: even if I don’t particularly like what I find on Facebook, even if the comments I read on current news make me depressed and angry, at least all of this is human, true, real. Even if maybe soon our social networks will also be invaded and dominated by artificial content.

For now, my presence on the most used social networks is limited to the travel world, but I invite you to follow me starting from there: follow me on my Facebook page Esperienzaviaggio where I will share travel updates and other news, and subscribe to my newsletter dedicated to travel to receive exclusive content and reflections directly in your inbox.

I am also working on new social channels dedicated to my other projects, so stay tuned!

To learn more about how I use social media and to subscribe to the newsletter, visit the page on social and contacts.


See also the other pages: