Social & Contacts

Writing is not just a way to share ideas; it’s also an opportunity to stay in touch with those who read and appreciate my content. If you’re one of them, I invite you to follow me on my social profiles, subscribe to my newsletters, or write to me directly. Below you’ll find all the ways to stay in touch with me and closely follow my projects—both those related to travel and those dedicated to more complex and current topics such as technology and society.


My relationship with social networks

To be honest, I have always had a complicated and ambivalent relationship with social networks: on the one hand, I like the idea of staying in touch with my readers and getting to know them better; on the other hand, I am very reserved and deeply convinced that excessive use of social media is very harmful to all of us, and even more so to society as a whole.

This is why I’ve had a series of ups and downs with various social networks: I explored and tried them when they first appeared (almost 20 years ago now), then rejected them because they took away time from real life. But at the same time, I didn’t want to abandon the travel Facebook page because many people followed me there. Now, I’m working on using them better to maintain genuine and authentic contact with those who follow my work.

The advent of Artificial Intelligence has given me a new reason to return to using them with more conviction: in a world that will increasingly be dominated by artificial content, it’s important to stay connected with human beings. In other words: even though I don’t really like what I find on Facebook, even though the comments I read on current news depress and anger me, at least all this is human, real. Although perhaps soon even our social networks will be invaded and dominated by artificial content.

I aim for a direct relationship: so, besides following me on Facebook or whichever social network you prefer, I’d rather you subscribed to my newsletter.

I feel much more comfortable on platforms where, instead of posting something, I answer specific questions or create useful contributions. That’s why I like being present on Q&A sites like Quora or Reddit (and similar ones).


My newsletters

The first newsletter I created was related to travel blogging: I recommend subscribing if you liked the pages or travel guides I publish on my travel websites (,, By subscribing to my newsletter, you’ll receive exclusive tips and the best travel deals to book instantly! I send few emails rarely: I only write when there’s something truly worthy of your attention. Just enter your email! And if you change your mind, you’ll find the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email.

I fully respect your data privacy: see also my Privacy Policy.

I’ll soon launch a new newsletter dedicated to other topics I’m publishing new websites about: contemporary history, society, the dangers of Artificial Intelligence, and the future of humanity. For now, I suggest following me on my MG Uberti – Author & Explorer Facebook page.


Q&A sites and reviews

As mentioned before, I feel much more comfortable on Q&A platforms (i.e., Question and Answer) or where I can post reviews. I am a reserved person, not very suited for social media, but I am also an engineer who likes to solve problems and share my experience with others.

Here are the Q&A sites I am most active on:

These are the sites where I post my reviews:

I’m considering other sites to join: if you know any interesting ones, let me know!


My Author Facebook Page

Since I now publish content on many channels about various topics, I recently opened a new Facebook page, MG Uberti – Writing & Discovering, where I share previews of the new articles I post online on my various websites. This page is the space where I share my thoughts and projects, posting about everything from travel guides in Italy and Europe to tips on better online shopping, to the symbolic interpretation of Romanesque art, and reflections on the future of humanity and the challenges of Artificial Intelligence.


Other Social Networks

At the moment, I’m reorganizing my presence across various social networks: I will update this section once I’ve sorted out my profiles.

While interacting with my readers is enjoyable and interesting, it’s an activity that consumes a lot of time and resources—especially if done right. And with my efforts multiplied across publishing many websites on various topics, time and resources have become scarce.


Travel-related Social Profiles

For many years, my blogging activity was solely related to travel, so it’s naturally in this sector that I had the social profiles with the most followers. However, I recently had to close almost all my profiles because I could no longer keep up with them all, even my YouTube channel, which had gained significant traction. I’ve only kept the Facebook page: Facebook page

The next step will be to transform this Facebook page into a multilingual one.


Contact Me

I’m always interested in direct contact with my readers: write to me at the following address, especially if you have suggestions, comments, or constructive criticism regarding what I’ve written or published on my various websites.


See also the other pages where I talk about myself and my projects:


Photocredit for cover image: Pixelkult via Pixabay